Ever since its inception, in 1993, the office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human rights has worked with and for Human Rights defenders. On the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which was commemorated on 10 December 2018, the Regional office for human rights paid tribute to over 30 Human rights Defenders from across the region through developing a booklet entitled “A defender for a right”.
The purpose of the booklet is drawing public attention on Human Rights Defenders, expressing support for their courageous defiance of repression and encouraging their work in protecting and promoting human rights. The activism of each defender is linked to related articles of the Universal Declaration for Human Rights.
This booklet involved defenders who are most targeted: media and legal professionals, women’s rights defenders, persons with disabilities, trade unionists, those who promote the rights of cultural and religious minorities, rural women, street children, LGBTI people and other groups or sectors of the population facing discrimination and disadvantage.
11_12_2018- A defender for a Right booklet.pdf